Often Thesis/ Dissertations by Young Masters and Doctoral level researchers lie unrecognized / unpublished.
VCentral will digitalize these masterpieces.
VCentral is an exclusive platform to upload your Thesis/ Research Dissertation.
At VCentral there is an additional path to list the Published articles culminated from your Research.
By publishing your research on VCentral you are set to promote the innovation you have done.
By publishing your research at VCentral you will inspire other researchers to pursue research on the same line.
VCentral Sets up the Platform for this research to be digitalized and stay alive as a reference and a guide for future researchers.
VCentral also has a Professional End to End Support System for Researchers. The VCentral Team can help in developing the Research Idea, Designing the Study, Creating the Database, Secure Storing of The Data, Analysis of the Data, Scientific Drafting and Editing of the Research Document, Secondary Data Analysis of Existing Datasets.
1. Register as a user with all your personal details
2.After confirming your account login to your own dashboard, click on "Submit new thesis"
3.Complete the copyright form, read the rules, upload your thesis document
4.There will be a Minimal One Time Forever Fee to process the document verify and then format the upload.
5.For a faster path to rapid publication please be ready with the Thesis / Dissertation (in PDF format), the image for the thesis (say Featured image which will be the identifier of your thesis~ Could be a Graph, a picture which is a part of the document) and copyright file (Scanned copy).
Copyright file: You can download the copyright file from the thesis list page or new thesis submission page. Read the complete document, add the signature of all the authors.
Many times Researchers want to design studies by reviewing studies done by other researchers. This type of review helps a good researcher design a detailed study which is unique so studies are not duplicated.
You can also read/refer to the thesis of other researchers in detailed for a small affiliation fee. You can exclusively get the whole document in a reading format which will be automatically added in your dashboard.
The Researcher whose Thesis / Dissertation is being Read will be aware of your identity so IP Rights are respected acknowledged and not violated.
VCentral gives freedom to the Researchers to connect with each other and decide on sharing credit on publications and future studies on the topic together as a TEAM.
When Researchers want the paper printed copy of the Thesis / Dissertation of Other Authors we will require an additional print fee (We believe in Being Green) which will get you a Printable copy of the thesis.
The Author whose Thesis / Dissertation is being printed will be aware of your identity so IP Rights are respected acknowledged and not violated
VCentral gives freedom to the Researchers to connect with each other and decide on sharing credit on publications and future studies on the topic together as a TEAM.
Enter the author's name without any punctuations in the search box, and then click Search. The format of the name "john a smith", now all the thesis uploaded by this particular author will be listed.
Other than the author name, the user can search the thesis via thesis name, DOI number, Speciality / Designation name of the thesis, and Keywords given for the thesis.
For more details, Please fill the contact us form and we will be in touch with lightning speed.